My friend Henry is a 25-year-old guy that was full of passion for life. He had a ton of hobbies. The guy played the piano, did Yoga, played tennis, and also surfed. Nobody knows how he could find energy and time to do all those things, but he just did.
Despite practicing hobbies, he had numerous dreams. He was thinking about being a pilot, but he also wanted to get into investing. Crazy dude! He was shooting in all directions.
He was surely one of the most passionate and energized guys out there; however, Henry knew deep down that something was wrong. These things didn’t fulfill him. He started questioning himself and said things like “How come these things don’t give me joy? Am I pursuing the wrong passions?”
Henry continued his quest for fulfillment. He added even more activities to his routine and replaced some of the activities as well. He wanted to try something new and see if this time things would be different.
Nothing changed. In fact, the guy started suffering from anxiety due to so many activities. He was the jack of all trades and master of none, and worse, he was unfulfilled.
Then, I told him to try something. I said “Hey, bud! Have you tried letting go of everything? Literally! Give up everything. All your hobbies and try to spend a few months just chilling”.
Guess what happened? He became a monk! … Of course, I’m just kidding! But he is much happier now! He found the cause for his unfulfillment, which was focusing on too many things at the same time.
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