A Wife Calling Her Husband

Wife: Hello?

Husband: Hey, honey. I tried to call you last night but you never answered. How’s your trip going?

Wife: Sorry about that; my battery died on the way here. The trip’s going great. How are you and Carson doing?

Husband: Oh, we’re okay. I just wanted to know if he usually eats all of his food.

Wife: That depends… what’s he eating, and how much did you give him?

Husband: Well, it’s some rice I found in the back of the fridge.

Wife: That rice is old and dry! Did you give him anything with it?

Husband: I remembered that you said to make sure he had plenty of fiber, so I put some tangerine pieces in his bowl, too, and fried him an egg for protein.

Wife: Rice, tangerines, and eggs?! Would YOU eat that for lunch?

Husband: No way, but kids are different!

Wife: Yeah, they’re even pickier.

Husband: Well, I have another question: do you think jumping on the couch for 10 minutes counts as a walk for exercise?

Wife: Are you kidding me? Carson is NOT allowed to jump on furniture! It’s dangerous!

Husband: In my defense, I didn’t even notice he was doing it for a long time.

Wife: Why not?? What were you doing?

Husband: Just watching a movie.

Wife: WHAT movie?

Husband: Oh, um, the last Avengers movie.

Wife: With Carson in the room?!!!!

Husband: He was jumping a lot, so I don’t think he paid much attention.

Wife: I cannot believe you! What else have you done wrong since yesterday??

Husband: (Jokingly) Well, we played “stick a fork in the electrical outlet”, he shared the dogs’ food, and I turned on the dryer with him inside.

Husband: Honey? I’m kidding. Honey! Honey?

Teste seu Inglês com o Quiz abaixo 👇

What did the husband do while their son was jumping on the couch?

Fill in the blanks below.

Wife: Hello?

Husband: Hey, honey. I to call you last night but you never answered. How’s your going?

Why did the husband call the wife?

Fill in the blanks below.

Wife: Are you me? Carson is NOT allowed to jump on furniture! It’s dangerous!

What happened to the wife's phone?

Fill in the blanks below.

Husband: Oh, we’re okay. I just wanted to know if he eats all of his food.

Wife: That depends… what’s he and how much did you give him?

Husband: Well, it’s some rice I found in the back of the fridge.

How did the wife react to the husband's choice of food for their son?

Fill in the blanks below.

Wife: Sorry about that; my died on the way here. The trip’s going great. How you and Carson doing?

How did the wife react when she found out their son was watching the movie?

Fill in the blanks below.

Husband: I remembered that you said to he had plenty of fiber, so I put some tangerine pieces in his bowl, too, and him an egg for protein.

Caio Noronha

Caio Noronha

Professor e Fundador da Flexs Education. Instagram: @ocaionoronha

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